Jeremiah W - Erudite Tutor

Jeremiah W.

Dedicated and driven, awarded DUX of my school, helping students excel in Math, Science, and beyond.

Offering Online tutoring lessons.
Tutor since January, 2025.


The subjects that I can teach!

English Standard (HSC)
Mathematical Methods (VCE)
Mathematics - High School (Years 7 to 10)
Mathematics Standard 1 (HSC)


My Badges - what I've achieved.


A little bit about myself.

I'm from regional mid-north coast of NSW, I grew up going to a small, but close nit Christian school, spending and completing my 13 years of schooling with them from K to 12. During primary school, I started out as an average student with my academics, and preferred to priorities sports and art lessons. Moving through to year 6 to 7 I had a real desire to learn more about math's and was always persisting our teachers to teach us new concepts that weren't in the syllabus, during this time I was starting to move up the ranks with my math marks. Through years 8 to 10 I was top of my classes for math's and had a real intentional drive to do the best I could across most subjects. Finishing school in years 11 to 12, I achieved DUX of my school, and got first across all fields of study that I undertook; Math (Adv & Ext 1), Science (Chem & Physics), English (Stand), IndTech (Auto)


A bit more about me and what I do in my spare time!

I love aviation, and have a goal of making it my career. Whether that be as a commercial pilot or as an individual who maintains or designs aircraft systems. I obtained my Recreational Pilots License in 2020, and also obtained my Cross country endorsement in 2023. I love sports and keeping fit. I go to the gym around 4-6 times a week, and go on runs with my local running clubs. I go surfing, try to at least, hiking and camping with my mates and enjoy seeing the outdoors and seeing the world around us.

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