Nari K - Erudite Tutor

Nari K.

Offering Online tutoring lessons.
Joined the team in January, 2025.


The subjects that I can teach!

English - High School (Years 7 to 10)
English - Primary School (Years K to 6)
Mathematics - High School (Years 7 to 10)
Mathematics - Primary School (Years K to 6)
Science - High School (Years 7 to 10)
Science - Primary School (Years K to 6)


A little bit about myself.

I am currently a university student at the University of Melbourne, studying a Bachelor of Science with the goal of pursuing a career in medicine. Alongside my academic achievements, I have over seven years of experience playing the violin and piano in orchestras, and I have also taught both instruments to students, fostering their musical growth and confidence. Additionally, I have teaching experience in English and mathematics, where I have supported students in building their understanding and achieving their goals. My passion for learning, combined with my teaching experience, allows me to connect with students and provide well-rounded, engaging support in their studies.


A bit more about me and what I do in my spare time!

In my spare time, I enjoy playing the violin and piano, as they allow me to express myself creatively and relax. I also love reading novels, which helps me explore different perspectives and immerse myself in new stories.

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