Risheek M - Erudite Tutor

Risheek M.

Comes with a plethora of experiences and skills.

Offering Online & In-Person tutoring lessons.
Tutor since December, 2024.


The subjects that I can teach!

Business Management (VCE)
English - High School (Years 7 to 10)
English - Primary School (Years K to 6)
English (VCE)
Mathematical Methods (VCE)
Mathematics - High School (Years 7 to 10)
Science - Primary School (Years K to 6)
Selective School Test Preparation


My Badges - what I've achieved.


A little bit about myself.

Hi, there dear parents my name is Risheek Mamballi and I just graduated Year 12 at Cranbourne East Secondary Collage, I am eager to pursue a career in Finance + Commerce at Monash University in the following 2025 year. I strongly believe I can assist your child in their learning journey and help them achieve whatever goals and objectives they have set for themselves. I strongly believe that tutoring is more than just scoring well and improving academically but also is a place for students to develop both academically and mentally whilst learning about the experiences of tutors which can assist students in their growth and ability to prosper into their full potential. I can confidently say that I can help your child both academically and mentally when it comes to achieving their goals and bring a plethora of experiences and skills into play which can ease a more positive transition and learning outcomes for your child. Thanks for reading this, I will be pleased to work with your child and help them grasp their full potential :)


A bit more about me and what I do in my spare time!

> I love playing Football, and have been playing for almost over 10 years and can for sure say I am in love with the sport and at this point is an integral part of me. I play competitively at state league level and also engage in Futsal and pickup games for the absolute thrill and enjoyment. > I also enjoy talking my dog Milo on adventurous walk throughout the week to constantly explore new areas and be in touch with the environment for mental clarity and taking a break from things > I also love reading in my free time, as I believe reading is a way of accumalating knowledge which is power and aim to increase my intellectual capabilities

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