Rohan S - Erudite Tutor

Rohan S.

Offering Online tutoring lessons.
Joined the team in January, 2025.


The subjects that I can teach!

Biology (HSC)
Chemistry (HSC)
Mathematics Advanced (HSC)
Mathematics - High School (Years 7 to 10)
Mathematics - Primary School (Years K to 6)
Science - High School (Years 7 to 10)
Science - Primary School (Years K to 6)


A little bit about myself.

Hey, I'm Rohan! I graduated from Girraween High School in 2024 with a HSC mark of 92 in biology. Throughout year 12 I perfected my methods of studying and note taking in order to maximise my marks in exams and achieved rank 2 for my biology trial exam. My goal is to use my knowledge to accelerate this process for students by providing them with the blueprint to excel in Preliminary and HSC Biology. Along with this, I achieved a HSC mark of 90 in chemistry and 89 in mathematics advanced and hence, I believe that I possess the knowledge and experience to guide students to reach their maximum potential in mathematics and chemistry.


A bit more about me and what I do in my spare time!

I am currently studying a bachelor of pharmacy at the University of Sydney and enjoy watching F1.

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