Sakhi K - Erudite Tutor

Sakhi K.

Offering Online tutoring lessons.
Tutor since January, 2025.


The subjects that I can teach!

Mathematics - High School (Years 7 to 10)
Mathematics - Primary School (Years K to 6)


My Badges - what I've achieved.


A little bit about myself.

Hello, my name is Sakhi, and I am your go-to maths tutor! As a Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Science student at Monash University, I bring both academic expertise and practical teaching skills to deliver impactful learning experiences With over five years of experience as a maths tutor at a reputable secondary school, I’ve developed a deep understanding of how to help students thrive academically. I’m passionate about teaching and find it incredibly rewarding to see my students grow in confidence, achieve impressive improvements in their results, and develop a genuine love for learning. If you're looking for a tutor who can make maths enjoyable while delivering real results, you've come to the right place!


A bit more about me and what I do in my spare time!

I enjoy playing badminton and spending time with my friends and family.

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